In loving memory of those who have hopped across the Rainbow Bridge

Wally (Hoppers and Wobblers Club)
Wally was born a very healthy and active boy, but his health declined very suddenly. Doctors believe he had an infection in his spine resulting in sudden paralysis at the age of five months old. He did not understand why he couldn't hop around freely anymore, but we were determined to get him moving again. A valued volunteer purchased a wheelchair specifically designed for a rabbit's body structure. It fits Wally perfectly and it gave him the freedom and confidence to move by strengthening his hind end. He was a great ambassador for the rescue at the Pet Expo. Everyone loved him and misses him so. Binky free Wally ❤

Clever (Hoppers and Wobblers Club)
Clever is a bunny that was surrendered when she was discovered she had head tilt from a suspected ear infection. When she first came to the Sanctuary, she could not stand and spent two weeks in a pet stroller to keep her stable from rolling. The first round of medication she received did not entirely clear up the infection, and it progressed to becoming a lifelong constant condition. She received daily physiotherapy and love from her foster mom Stephanie. We miss her so. Binky free Clever ❤

The bun who started it all. Simi was the first rabbit of the owner of Precious Rabbits Rescue. He started her love for bunnies and helped that love grow with each passing moment she spent with him. In July 2015 he suffered several seizures and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He will forever be in our hearts. Binky free Simi ❤

Cuddles came to Precious Rabbits when he was 4 years old. He had previously been housed in poor living conditions, but Nowan poured her time into nursing him back to health and gave him a second chance at life. He then had to undergo several major surgeries to remove teeth and clean abscesses. He fought so hard to pull through, however he began having trouble keeping weight on. After many ups and downs, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He will be forever loved and missed. Binky free Cuddles ❤

Sundown came from an auction when he was around 8 years old and became Precious Rabbit's first retirement bun due to his age. He instantly stole our hearts with his cute attitude and never failed to put a smile on the face of everyone who met him. About five years later in 2018, he began having health problems and we made the decision to help him cross the Rainbow Bridge. Binky free Sundown ❤

Queen Tulsa
When owner Nowan went to Las Vegas, she met Queen Tulsa at Rusty & Furriends Vegas Dumpsite Bunnies. She had been abandoned in very bad shape. She was paralyzed from mid back down, had severe urine burn from being unable to hop and was only able to haul herself around on her front paws. In the time she was rescued she began to put on weight and learnt how to trust people. When Nowan revisited the Vegas rescue, she held Queen Tulsa and showed her current foster parent how to massage her back. After a bit of time, Queen Tulsa melted into Nowan's arms and relaxed her upper back. She then kissed Nowan's hand, something she had never done to anyone before. It was at that moment that everyone knew Queen Tulsa had chosen her new mom. She made the journey home first class and officially became a Canadian rabbit! "Doggie Wheels" custom-made a wheel chair to help her mobility. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2020. Binky free Queen Tulsa ❤

Pink was rushed to Pulse Emergency when she began having difficulty breathing and hopping. X-Rays showed fluid around her lungs, leading to her breathing capacity being reduced. She was the type of rabbit who demanded to be seen and will forever be remembered. Binky free Pink ❤

Waldo arrived at the Sanctuary with a very large access on his jaw that needed immediate attention. He underwent a second surgery due to his dental health and required all of the teeth on one side and his bottom incisors removed. The infection moved to his jaw bone and he was put on antibiotics. He dropped from being overweight to a healthy 10 lbs and began attending fundraising events as a spokesbun. He passed away unexpectedly on December 30th, 2018. He touched the lives of many and will be forever missed. Binky free Waldo ❤

Harley was around 11 years old and passed in August of 2020. Her nickname was Queen of the Basement. Binky free Harley ❤

Pickles was our first surrender and became a huge part of who we are. Her legacy shall live on to benefit many more generations of surrendered rabbits. Binky free Pickles ❤

Balla was surrendered at the age of 6 years old and had poor muscle tone in her hind end. With therapy she was showing great improvement in her strength and was settling in well. She ended up going into congenital heart failure a little and fluid entered her lungs. Nowan and the vets did everything they could, but she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Binky free Balla ❤

Sawyer sadly passed away during a spay surgery. She now has a special place in our hearts. Binky free Miss Sawyer ❤

Khaleesi was found in a driveway and some caring individuals phoned in right away. She was admitted into our care severely underweight and had a broken femur. Unfortunately she was not able to recover from her injuries and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Binky free Khaleesi ❤

Bino was surrendered paralyzed with a lower spinal injury. She unfortunately crossed the Rainbow Bridge soon after. Binky free Bino ❤

Roo had an ear infection that caused head tilt. We worried he would become aggressive and begin self plucking once again if he were to be adopted out, so he became a sanctuary bun. He passed at the age of 10 years old. Binky free Roo ❤

Nina was rescued from an auction when she was 1 year old. She used to climb all over us but never like to be pet. She passed at the age of 7 years old. Binky free Nina ❤

Bunz was our oldest sanctuary bun at 11 years old. Binky free Bunz ❤

Nala was surrendered due to her aggression towards people. She eventually came out of her shell to be loved. We hoped Nala would bond with Hope, who was rescued from a hoarding situation. Nala unfortunately passed due to a fast-growing tumour in her throat. Binky free Nala ❤

Ash became part of the family along with her mom and siblings from an auction. They arrived before the rescue was even a thought and they contributed to the founder's love of rabbits. Binky free Ash ❤