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Adoptions & Permanent Fosters

​Bunnies for Adoptions


We work closely with our sister rescue, Archie's Angels Rabbit Rescue, in Lethbridge and have had many adopted bunnies by those living in the Edmonton and surrounding areas. Please check out their bunnies for adoption and complete their adoption form when you are ready to welcome a bunny or another bunny into your home as part as your family.

*Follow us on Instagram and Facebook as we sometimes have bunnies for adoption

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​Bunnies for Permanent Fosters


We have many bunnies in our sanctuary that are older bunnies that end up hard to adopt out due to their age, and bunnies that are special needs requiring specialized diets and environments.


Although the bunnies may be older and/or have special needs doesn't mean they don't act the same as any normal bunny. If anything, they don't see any of their challenges as challenges and enjoy living out their lives just the same - in loving and safe homes. You will see how amazing these bunnies are with their strong will to live and love life.

We are looking for permanent fosters where you support the love, free roam, greens, treats, and we supply the rest including costs for vet care, medicine (if needed), etc. 

*Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on bunnies who need permanent fosters. If interested, please print and fill out this Fostering Form (PDF) and email it to us at  

Permanent Fostering Stories

We have had success for our permanent foster buns over the past couple of years since we started. Read up on their stories and follow them on Instagram!

© 2023 by Precious Rabbits Rescue and Sanctuary Society. 

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