Adoption Stories

Basil is living a wonderful life with his Mom Megan. She has such patience and understanding, which has given him the ability to gain confidence and be brave. He explores the house and gets so excited whenever he sees her.

Petunia had trouble finding the right family who was meant to take her in, but now she has. She is in a loving home where she may become a bun wife if all goes according to plan!

Jules was a recipient of Waldo’s Help Fund. She had been suffering from an eye infection caused by E. Cuniculi for 4 months. Her eye needed to be removed in order for her to survive. In less than 48 hours enough funds were raised to help her family cover the expense of the surgery. She is now currently living happily and healthily with her brother! We are deeply grateful to our sponsors and the expertise of Dr. Steele and her staff at Southside Animal Hospital to make this possible.

Ivy came into our care after being rescued by a good samaritan. She has been adopted by a wonderful foster family and is now happy, healthy and loving life!