How You Can Help Us Out
There are over 10,000 homeless and abandoned animals every year and this, unfortunately, has increased after the COVID-19 pandemic where many people find companionship through pets while under restriction to only give them up after they have to return to work and real-life.
The sad thing is that this has been happening world-wide and many rescues such as ours and our sister rescue (AARR) are over flowing with abandoned and saved pets, especially, during Easter when many people realize the amount of work and care is needed for our beautiful furry friends.
Inform people about rabbit rescues
If you see someone or know someone who can no longer care for their bunnies, please let them know to come forward to their nearest rescue before thinking of letting lose to survive on their own. These are domesticated bunnies who do not have survival instincts like the wild hares. They are not doing them any favours by letting them go.
To make room for more intake and bringing injured, special needs, and dumped domestic bunnies into any rescues, we need help from those who are willing to foster. Fostering means you give them a loving and safe home while the recue provides everything you need to take care of them including x-pens, hay, pellets, blankets, and vet costs. It's a pretty sweet deal especially when many people would love to be able to have an animal companion, but do not have the financial means to provide quality care to them. And in return, you get unconditional love and gratitude from the bunnies. Some end of being failed fosters and adopt the bunnies.
In turn, foster parents provide a safe environment where rabbits begin learning how to trust humans until they find their forever homes. Along with dedicating time to socialization, foster parents must also meet the appropriate exercise and grooming requirements for the rabbit(s) in their care. Watching timid rabbits come out of their shell and begin showing their unique personalities is a very rewarding experience!
Here at Precious Rabbits Rescue, you have the opportunity to permanently foster our bunnies in our sanctuary. Those that are ready for permanent foster are older, or have special needs such as dental issues, blind, or have tilted heads. We ensure that the bunny and permanent foster candidate work based on home life and we provide support needed along the way.
Please contact us if you are interested in giving a homeless rabbit a temporary loving home.
Donate Money or Help With Vet Bills
Similar to many animal rescues, we are passionate in saving, loving, and caring for each bunny that comes our way. If we can save every bunny out there, we definitely would! But running a rescue costs money as we provide food, shelter, and medical treatments including spaying and neutering bunnies.
We are a simple rescue that currently is incorporated, but not a registered charity yet. You can
e-transfer your donations to us using our email and add any notes for us (if any). You can also donate money to help us pay for our outstanding vet bills by contacting South Side Animal Hospital via phone at (780) 434-6462, email at or Facebook chat.
However you intend to help us or any rescue, we are very grateful for your support!

DONATE your knowledge, time, or money to help us or any rescue out. We appreciate all the support we can!
They say it takes a village to run a rescue, and it's true. PRRS supporters are our village, and your unwavering support means everything to us.
Thank you for your generosity.