Our Services
Bunny Boarding
Weekly rate is $45 / week / bun
Minimum of $45 if their stay is less than a week.
We provide a loving home environment, and cage free. We use exercise pens along with hop time. We ask you to only provide your buns food, but many of our bun parents also provide their bun's litterbox, fav toys, treats, boxes, blankets, etc. - whatever you need to make your bun(s) feel at home with us while you are away. If interested in our boarding services, please print and fill out this Boarding Form (PDF) and email it to us at preciousrabbits@mcsnet.ca
Please note that we are located in Barrhead, Alberta.

Bunny Bonding
Varies (please contact us via Facebook or Instagram with more details of your bonding request)
We have been successful at some of our bunny bonding over the years. Note that not all bunnies will bond as it depends on many factors including bunny temperaments, patience, and time. Some bunnies can bond immediately, while others may take months. As with all bonding, having a neutral space is very important to the bonding process and we provide that neutral space that you may not have at home.
What you can do to help make the bonding gear towards success is to put the bunnies side-by-side in their own pens (with a 4 x 4 lumber in between the pens of the shared side to prevent from fighting between the bars and cause injuries). This provides them time to get to know one another without being territorial of their own space or shared space you may have for them. We also notice that even if one bunny is submissive than another, it could change during bonding. Furthermore, not all boy-girl bonds work, sometimes it could be boy-boy or girl-girl, so it's best to be open when choosing a mate for your bunny. If you don't have another bunny to bond with, we can help with that too via adoption or permanent foster.
Please note that we are located in Barrhead, Alberta.